Facial Injectables

In certain smile design cases, dental treatments can be enhanced with cosmetic facial injectables.

Injectables help diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by paralysing the muscles underneath, and can create more balance and harmony in facial features. They are typically used to help treat frown lines and crow's feet, but can also be used for a little more fullness of the lips with microinjections of muscle relaxant at the lip border, treating a gummy smile by relaxing the muscle that pull up the lip adjacent to the nose, softening of the jaw line; and creating a fresher appearance.

Injectable neuromodulators work by relaxing the nerve to correct muscle imbalance.


Muscle relaxant injectables are highly purified toxins that can temporarily relax or reduce horizontal forehead lines, vertical frown lines, and crow's feet. The injections slow muscles that contract hundreds of times a day, which eventually cause etching lines in the skin.

Wherever the muscle relaxant is injected in the face, it partially paralyses the muscles underneath the skin, by interfering with the nerve stimulation of the muscle causing excess facial expressions, and when the muscle relaxes, the lines dissipate.

In addition to relaxing frown lines in between the eyebrows, muscle relaxant injectables can also lift the corners of the mouth that may start to sag with age, smooth out the pincushion look in some chins, soften smoker's lines around the mouth, soften vertical neck cords and create an eyebrow lift.

Jaw muscle injectables are a valid medical treatment for the relief of pain in the jaw muscles to lessen the stress on the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which is the joint that holds the skull to the jaw. Muscle relaxant injections can relieve the symptoms of grinding of the teeth causing stress in the chewing muscles, that can in turn cause inflammation of the jaw joint and the muscles of the jaw, usually felt as pain and discomfort.

relief of  pain in the jaw joint

Injections of muscle relaxants into the muscles of chewing (masseters), are used to treat clenching and grinding disorders, which relaxes the muscle activity for 3 to 6 months. It can also be used where the grinding is so intense that it causes a square jaw to soften its appearance by allowing the muscles to relax. When the nerve endings regenerate, the muscles are more relaxed, usually reducing any clenching and grinding that may have occurred previously.

fuller or balanced lips

A beautiful smile can be complimented by full and balanced lips to create a framework, and dermal fillers or muscle relaxant injectables may be used to subtly increase the volume of the lips or to correct asymmetry in the smile.


A gummy smile can be treated by relaxing the muscles that lift the lip exposing excess the gum, and facial injectables can be used to smooth lines and wrinkles around the lips.

lips to frame a smile

Muscle relaxant injectables can also be used in micro doses to allow the lip to fall in a softer way around the smile, called a lip flip, in combination with lip filler, to subtly create volume and frame a smile.