At Brisbane Smile Boutique, we offer treatment for bruxism, a condition characterised by the involuntary clenching, grinding, and gnashing of teeth. Bruxism is a common issue, with about 50% of people grinding their teeth occasionally, and approximately 5% doing so more forcefully and frequently, often during sleep.

**Understanding Bruxism:**

- Bruxism involves grinding or clenching of the teeth at times other than eating.

- The forces generated by bruxism can be up to six times greater than those during normal chewing.

- This excessive force can lead to various dental issues, including damaged teeth, fractures, toothache, and overworked jaw muscles.

**Consequences of Bruxism:**

- Continuous grinding can result in an increase in the size of the jaw muscles.

- It can also cause pain in the jaw joint, leading to temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD).

- Many individuals are unaware that they grind their teeth, especially since it often occurs during sleep.

**Treatment Options at Brisbane Smile Boutique:**

- We provide personalised treatment plans for bruxism, considering each patient's specific symptoms and severity.

- One common treatment is the use of custom-fitted night guards, designed to prevent teeth grinding and clenching during sleep.

- We also offer advice on lifestyle changes and relaxation techniques that can help reduce the frequency and intensity of teeth grinding.

- In cases where bruxism has led to dental damage, we provide restorative treatments to repair and protect the teeth.

Our goal is to not only treat the symptoms of bruxism but also to address its underlying causes, ensuring comprehensive care and relief for our patients. Regular dental check-ups are important to monitor the condition and adjust treatment as necessary.

Main points about teeth grinding

  • Teeth grinding or bruxism is an involuntary clenching and grinding of the teeth, usually during sleep.

  • Causes can include stress, anxiety, concentration, poor sleep patterns, or excessive physical activity in the evenings

  • Treatments include custom made occlusal splints, also called night guards, which are worn at night, repair of tooth damage, muscle relaxant injectables in the jaw muscles, and stress management treatments

  • The muscle relaxant Botulinum Toxin Type A can be directly into injected into the masseter muscle (the largest muscle that moves the jaw), so that the muscle is weakened enough to stop involuntary grinding of the teeth and clenching of the jaw. This relaxes the muscle and reduces the wear and tear on the teeth due to grinding and amage to the TMJ (temporomandibular joint) and headaches should be reduced or eliminated as well, while voluntary movements, such as chewing and facial expressions, are not affected, and typically lasts for three to four months.

Treatment Solutions for bruxism at Brisbane Smile boutique

At Brisbane Smile Boutique, we offer comprehensive treatment options for patients suffering from bruxism, commonly known as teeth grinding. If you suspect you're grinding your teeth, it's important to consult with our dentists as soon as possible. Here's how we approach the treatment:

1. **Dental Examination:** The first step involves a thorough examination of your teeth. Our dentists will assess any signs of wear and tear or damage caused by grinding.

2. **Repairing Damaged Teeth:** If grinding has resulted in chipped, fractured, or worn down teeth, we will discuss treatment options to repair and restore them. This may include dental crowns, veneers, or bonding.

3. **Bite Analysis and Adjustment:** We'll analyze your bite and check for any misalignments or high spots on fillings that could be contributing to the problem. Adjustments may be made to ensure your bite is even and doesn't exacerbate teeth grinding.

4. **Custom-Made Occlusal Splint:** To prevent further wear and tear, we can create a custom-made occlusal splint for you to wear at night. This splint is designed to fit comfortably over your teeth, reducing the pressure of grinding and protecting your teeth from damage.

**Additional Treatments:**

- **Stress Management:** Since stress can be a major factor in teeth grinding, we may recommend techniques or activities to manage stress levels.

- **Relaxation Techniques:** Practicing relaxation methods can help reduce the frequency of grinding, especially before bedtime.

- **Psychological Treatments:** In cases where psychological factors contribute to bruxism, we may suggest therapy or counseling.

- **Regular Exercise:** Engaging in regular physical activity can help alleviate stress, but we advise avoiding vigorous exercise late at night as it can sometimes interfere with sleep.

- **Medications:** In some instances, muscle relaxants or other medications might be recommended to help alleviate the symptoms of bruxism.

Our approach at Brisbane Smile Boutique is holistic, focusing on both treating the current symptoms and addressing underlying causes to provide long-term relief and care.


At Brisbane Smile Boutique, we offer effective solutions for patients experiencing teeth grinding, a condition known as bruxism. One of the key treatments we provide is the use of occlusal splints and night guards. These are custom-made, removable devices designed to fit snugly over your teeth, offering protection and relief from the effects of nighttime grinding and clenching.

**Key Features and Benefits of Occlusal Splints and Night Guards:**

1. **Protection Against Wear:** They act as a protective barrier, preventing the wearing away of tooth enamel due to grinding and clenching during sleep.

2. **Jaw Movement Limitation:** Occlusal splints are often designed with ramps or indentations to limit the movement of the lower jaw. This design helps to eliminate potential damage to the jaw joint.

3. **Teeth Separation:** Most splints function by keeping the teeth apart, thereby preventing the application of pressure and reducing the risk of damage to the tooth structure.

4. **Diagnostic Tool:** The wear patterns on the splint provide valuable diagnostic information, allowing dentists to analyze the amount and location of wear, which can inform further treatment.

5. **Muscle Relaxation:** By limiting jaw movement, these devices help relax muscles that may be in spasm due to constant grinding.

6. **Reduced Stress on Teeth and Jaw:** They help distribute biting forces more evenly, reducing stress on the teeth and the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

7. **Repositioning of the Jaws:** Some splints can reposition the jaws into a bite that places less force on the teeth, aiding in the correction of bite issues.

8. **Identification of Bite Interferences:** They can reveal interferences in the bite, such as overly full fillings, which might be causing overactivity in jaw muscles.

9. **Promotion of Muscle Harmony:** By providing a platform that allows for equal tooth contacts, these devices promote muscle relaxation and optimal function.

10. **Separation of Back Teeth:** This helps reduce stress on the jaw joint, protecting it from the effects of grinding.

11. **Optimal Function and Comfort:** They contribute to the harmony of nerves and muscles in the jaw and jaw joint.

At Brisbane Smile Boutique, our approach to treating bruxism with occlusal splints and night guards is tailored to each patient's specific needs, ensuring both immediate relief and long-term oral health benefits.

TMJ disorders, affecting the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), can lead to a range of uncomfortable symptoms collectively known as temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). Patients with TMD often experience pain and discomfort in the jaw, earaches, headaches, and limited mouth opening. Additional symptoms may include clicking, popping, or grating sounds in the jaw joint, pain during jaw movement, tight jaw muscles, and even damaged teeth due to excessive forces.

At Brisbane Smile Boutique, we offer an innovative treatment for TMJ disorders and bruxism (teeth grinding): muscle relaxant injections using Botulinum Toxin Type A. This treatment targets the overactive muscles involved in these conditions.

**Key Aspects of Muscle Relaxant Injections for TMJ Disorders:**

1. **Targeted Action:** By injecting Botulinum Toxin Type A into the masseter muscle (a major jaw muscle), the treatment reduces involuntary grinding of teeth and jaw clenching. This helps alleviate the strain and tension in the jaw.

2. **Pain Relief and Muscle Relaxation:** The injections weaken the overactive jaw muscles enough to provide relief from the associated pain and discomfort. This relaxation of the muscles can reduce wear and tear on the teeth and the TMJ.

3. **Preservation of Voluntary Movements:** While these injections relax the jaw muscles, they do not affect voluntary movements such as chewing and facial expressions.

4. **Complementary to Other Treatments:** While custom-made occlusal splints or night guards are effective in protecting the teeth from damage caused by grinding, they may not fully alleviate the painful side effects of bruxism. Muscle relaxant injections can be an effective complementary treatment.

5. **Duration and Maintenance:** The effects of Botulinum Toxin Type A for treating bruxism typically last about three to four months. Periodic treatments may be necessary for ongoing symptom management.

It's important to note that while muscle relaxant injections are not a cure for bruxism, they can significantly improve symptoms for many patients, offering an alternative or adjunct to traditional treatments like night guards. Each patient's treatment plan at Brisbane Smile Boutique is customized to their specific needs, ensuring the most effective approach to managing their TMJ disorder and bruxism.

teeth wear

At Brisbane Smile Boutique, we offer comprehensive solutions to address tooth wear caused by nighttime grinding, a condition known as bruxism. This condition can lead to significant dental issues, requiring expert care and attention.

**Impact of Nighttime Grinding:**

- **Tooth Structure Loss:** Persistent grinding can lead to the permanent loss of tooth structure. The excessive force exerted during grinding can cause the breakdown of teeth, sometimes necessitating extensive reconstruction of the entire bite.

- **Appearance Changes:** As teeth wear down, they may appear more yellow. This discoloration occurs because the grinding exposes the dentine, an inner layer of the tooth, which is naturally yellow, softer, and often sensitive.

- **Enamel Damage:** A critical concern is that tooth enamel, once lost, does not regenerate. The permanent damage and weakening of teeth pose risks to long-term dental health.

- **Root and Pulp Damage:** Side-to-side jaw movements can harm the roots of the teeth and potentially lead to cracks reaching the pulp, the vital part of the tooth. This can compromise the tooth’s vitality and may require more complex dental treatments.

**Solutions at Brisbane Smile Boutique:**

- **Custom Night Guards:** One of the primary treatments is the use of custom-fitted night guards. These guards are designed to prevent teeth from grinding against each other, protecting the enamel and reducing stress on the jaw.

- **Reconstructive Dentistry:** For teeth that have already been significantly worn down, we offer reconstructive treatments. These can include crowns, veneers, or onlays, which restore both the function and aesthetics of the teeth.

- **Root and Pulp Therapy:** In cases where grinding has caused damage to the tooth’s pulp, root canal therapy may be necessary. This procedure removes the damaged pulp and seals the tooth to prevent further issues.

- **Jaw Movement Analysis and Adjustment:** We also assess and address any jaw alignment issues contributing to grinding, offering solutions that may include orthodontics or occlusal adjustments.

Our approach at Brisbane Smile Boutique is holistic, focusing not just on treating the symptoms but also on identifying and addressing the underlying causes of bruxism. This comprehensive care ensures both immediate relief and long-term oral health for our patients.


Signs of teeth grinding

Teeth grinding, medically known as bruxism, often occurs unconsciously, especially during sleep, and can lead to a variety of symptoms. These symptoms can range from noticeable wear and damage to the teeth to discomfort and pain in the jaw and surrounding areas. Here are common signs and symptoms of teeth grinding:

1. **Grinding Sounds:** One of the most noticeable signs, often observed by a sleeping partner, is the sound of grinding teeth during sleep.

2. **Headache, Ear Pain, or Jaw Joint Pain:** Frequent headaches, especially upon waking, ear pain, or discomfort in the jaw joint can be associated with teeth grinding.

3. **Aching Teeth:** Teeth may ache or feel sore, particularly in the morning after a night of grinding.

4. **Jaw Stiffness or Ache:** Stiffness or aching in the jaw upon waking or when eating food, especially in the morning, can be a symptom.

5. **Clenching the Jaw:** Habitually clenching the jaw when anxious, stressed, or concentrating is a common indicator.

6. **Tooth Sensitivity:** Increased sensitivity in teeth due to the wearing away of enamel.

7. **Damaged Tooth Enamel:** Observing cracked, chipped, or broken enamel on your teeth.

8. **Tooth Indentations on the Tongue:** Noticing indentations or impressions on your tongue, which can occur from pressing the tongue against the teeth during grinding.

9. **Raised Tissue Inside the Cheek:** The presence of raised or scar tissue on the inside of your cheek from biting, a result of clenching or grinding.

10. **Loose Teeth:** In extreme cases, the force from grinding can lead to loosening of the teeth.

11. **Short Lifespan of Fillings:** Fillings may not last as long as expected due to the excessive forces exerted on the teeth during grinding.

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is advisable to consult a dental professional. Early intervention can prevent further dental damage and alleviate discomfort associated with bruxism. At Brisbane Smile Boutique, we can assess your symptoms and provide appropriate treatment options to manage teeth grinding effectively.

side effects of teeth grinding

Teeth grinding, or bruxism, can lead to a range of side effects that impact both dental health and overall well-being:

1. **Tooth Damage:** Constant grinding can result in chipped, cracked, or worn down teeth. Over time, this can significantly wear away the enamel, leading to tooth sensitivity and an increased risk of cavities.

2. **Jaw Disorders:** Bruxism can lead to disorders of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), causing pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint and muscles.

3. **Headaches:** Chronic teeth grinding often leads to tension-type headaches, particularly experienced after waking up.

4. **Earaches:** Although not directly affecting the ears, the tension and pain from grinding can radiate, causing earache-like symptoms.

5. **Facial Pain and Muscle Fatigue:** The constant motion and clenching can lead to muscle soreness and fatigue in the face and neck.

6. **Tooth Sensitivity:** As enamel wears down, teeth become more sensitive to temperature changes and certain foods or drinks.

7. **Gum Recession:** The intense pressure from grinding can cause the gums to recede, exposing more of the tooth and root.

8. **Loose Teeth:** In severe cases, the force exerted during grinding can loosen teeth.

9. **Sleep Disruptions:** Grinding can disrupt sleep patterns, both for the person grinding and a partner who might hear the noise, although there may not necessarily be any gnashing sounds from teeth grinding.

10. **Changes in Bite:** Over time, bruxism can alter the way the upper and lower teeth align (bite), potentially leading to issues with chewing and speaking.

Addressing bruxism early with treatments like night guards, stress management, and dental correction can help mitigate these side effects and protect oral health.

Causes of Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can be caused by a variety of factors, ranging from psychological stress to physical conditions and lifestyle habits. Understanding these causes is crucial for effective treatment and management. Here are some common causes of teeth grinding:

1. **Emotional Stress:** High levels of anxiety or stress are often linked to teeth grinding, especially during sleep.

2. **Mental Concentration:** Some individuals may unconsciously clench or grind their teeth while concentrating intensely on tasks.

3. **Physical Stress:** Chronic physical stress, including illness, poor nutrition, or ongoing pain, can contribute to bruxism.

4. **Dental Treatments:** Incorrectly done dental work, such as fillings that are too high or protrude into the bite, can cause uneven pressure on the teeth, leading to grinding.

5. **Recreational Drug Use:** The use of certain drugs like cocaine, methamphetamines, and ecstasy is associated with increased risk of bruxism.

6. **Certain Medications:** Some pharmaceutical medications, particularly certain types of antidepressants, can have bruxism as a side effect.

7. **Malocclusion:** An incorrect bite or misalignment of teeth (malocclusion) can cause uneven pressure during chewing, leading to grinding. This can sometimes be corrected with bite adjustments or orthodontic treatment in severe cases.

8. **High Caffeine Intake:** Excessive consumption of caffeine can lead to heightened alertness and tension, which may manifest as teeth grinding.

9. **Late Night Exercise:** Engaging in vigorous physical activity late in the evening can elevate energy levels and interfere with sleep patterns, potentially leading to bruxism.

10. **Poor Sleep Patterns:** Disrupted or irregular sleep patterns can increase the likelihood of grinding teeth during sleep.

Identifying the underlying cause of bruxism is essential for effective treatment. This can include lifestyle changes, stress management techniques, dental interventions, or addressing any medical factors contributing to the condition.