Posts in mouthguards
Mouthguards at Brisbane Smile Boutique

A mouthguard is a protective device that is worn over your teeth to prevent injuries and protect the teeth, mouth, tongue and gums during contact sports or other activities that pose a risk of dental trauma. Mouthguards are recommended for some acrobatics and gymnastics, boxing, field hockey, ice hockey, football, rugby union, rugby league, lacrosse, martial arts, racquetball, roller hockey, shot putting, some skateboarding, snow sports, soccer and netball . Anyone who plays sport or an activity where a collision or contact to the face is a risk should wear a professional mouthguard, preferably a good quality one made to high spec by a professional dentist, to prevent serious injury.

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Mouthguards at Brisbane Smile Boutique

A mouthguard is a protective device that is worn over your teeth to prevent injuries and protect the teeth, mouth, tongue and gums during contact sports or other activities that pose a risk of dental trauma. Mouthguards are recommended for some acrobatics and gymnastics, boxing, field hockey, ice hockey, football, rubgy union, rugby league, lacrosse, martial arts, racquetball, roller hockey, shot putting, some skateboarding, snow sports, soccer and netball . Anyone who plays sport or an activity where a collision or contact to the face is a risk should wear a professional mouthguard, preferably a good quality one made to high spec by a professional dentist, to prevent serious injury.

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Bruxism effects on teeth

Bruxism is the involuntary clenching, grinding and gnashing of the teeth, with around half of the population doing this at some stage, usually as a stress response. Some people are regular and forceful tooth grinders and cause a lot of damage to their teeth, resulting in pain in the jaw. Often teeth grinding happens during sleep, but some people grind and clench their teeth while awake.

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