Posts tagged sport dentistry
About custom made professional sports mouthguards

Custom-made professional sports mouthguards created using digital scans represent a cutting-edge approach in dental protection for athletes and people involved in sports.

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What happens when a tooth goes grey

When a tooth turns grey, it's usually a sign that the tooth has suffered some form of trauma or decay leading to the death of the nerve and blood vessels inside the tooth, known as the pulp.

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What to do if your tooth is knocked out

When a tooth is knocked out, it's essential to act swiftly. The tooth should be handled carefully, holding it only by the crown, and rinsed gently with water if dirty. Re-implantation is ideal, so placing the tooth back into its socket immediately, ensuring it faces the right way, is crucial. If re-implantation isn't possible, keeping the tooth moist in milk, saline solution, or saliva and seeking emergency dental care promptly are vital steps.

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