Brisbane Smile Boutique Dentists

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Different types of Mouth Guards

Mouthguards are essential for protecting teeth and gums in various situations, like sports or to address teeth grinding. There are three primary types of mouthguards:

1. Stock Mouthguards:

- Description: Pre-formed and ready to wear. Available at most sporting goods stores.

- Pros: Inexpensive, readily available.

- Cons: Bulky, limited sizes, can make breathing and talking difficult, offer minimal protection due to poor fit.

2. Boil-and-Bite Mouthguards:

- Description: Made of thermoplastic material. Softened in boiling water and then placed in the mouth to form around the teeth using finger and tongue pressure.

- Pros: More affordable, better fit than stock mouthguards, relatively easy to obtain and mold.

- Cons: Can become uneven if not fitted correctly, may not offer as much protection as a custom-fitted option.

3. Custom-Fitted Mouthguards:

- Description: Made by a dental professional from a mold of your teeth.

- Pros: Superior fit, comfort, and protection. Less bulky, doesn’t interfere with speech or breathing, durable.

- Cons: More expensive, requires a visit to a dental professional.

Why Professional Mouthguards are the Best and Safest Option:

- Custom Fit: They are specifically tailored to fit the exact contours of your teeth and gums, ensuring a snug, comfortable fit. This reduces the risk of the mouthguard being dislodged and provides better protection.

- Maximum Protection: Custom-fitted mouthguards offer the best protection against dental injuries. They absorb and distribute impact forces more effectively than over-the-counter options.

- Material Quality: They are made from high-quality materials under professional supervision, making them more durable and long-lasting.

- Comfort and Ease of Use: Because of the precise fit, they are usually more comfortable to wear and don’t interfere with breathing or speaking, which is crucial during sports or other activities.

- Specialised Design: Dental professionals can design these mouthguards taking into account specific sports or requirements (like braces), offering tailored protection.

- Long-Term Cost-Effectiveness: Though more expensive initially, their durability and effectiveness in preventing dental injuries can make them more cost-effective in the long run.

For individuals engaged in contact sports or those who suffer from teeth grinding (bruxism), a professional mouthguard is a worthwhile investment for its superior comfort, fit, and protection.