Brisbane Smile Boutique Dentists

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What are refractory porcelain veneers

Refractory porcelain veneers are a type of dental veneer made using a specific technique that involves the use of a refractory die. These veneers are crafted from porcelain and are used to improve the aesthetics of teeth by addressing issues like discoloration, chips, or misalignment. The process of making refractory porcelain veneers is quite intricate and differs from other veneer fabrication methods:

1. Impression and Model Creation:

- Initially, an impression and scan of the patient’s teeth is taken. From this impression and scan, a model of the teeth is made.

2. Refractory Die:

- A refractory die is created from the model. This die is a heat-resistant replica of the patient's teeth, which can withstand the high temperatures needed for firing porcelain.

- The refractory die material is designed to not distort under these high temperatures, ensuring a precise fit.

3. Layering of Porcelain:

- The veneer is built up directly on the refractory die by layering porcelain. This process allows for detailed customization in terms of shape, size, color, and translucency, closely mimicking the natural appearance of teeth.

- The porcelain is applied in layers and sculpted to the desired form.

4. Firing:

- After the porcelain is applied, the veneer (still on the refractory die) is fired in a kiln at high temperatures. The high heat causes the porcelain to harden and achieve its final strength and esthetic qualities.

- This process might be repeated several times with additional layering and firing to achieve the desired aesthetic results.

5. Removal and Finishing:

- Once the final firing is complete, the veneer is removed from the refractory die. It is then polished and finalized for fitting.

6. Application to Teeth:

- Similar to other porcelain veneers, the tooth surface is prepared by removing a small amount of enamel. This preparation helps in accommodating the veneer and ensures a strong bond.

- The veneer is then bonded to the tooth using a resin cement.

The advantage of refractory porcelain veneers lies in their excellent aesthetic properties. The layering technique and the materials used allow for a high degree of translucency and color control, closely mimicking natural teeth. This method is particularly valued for its ability to create veneers that are both strong and lifelike.

However, the process is labor-intensive and requires a high level of skill from the dental technician. It's generally more time-consuming and expensive than other methods of veneer fabrication. The decision to use refractory porcelain veneers depends on the specific aesthetic needs and preferences of the patient, as well as the recommendation of the dental professional.