Porcelain Veneers that are bespoke and naturally beautiful, showcasing impeccable craftsmanship by our master ceramists for a spectacular smile transformation to improve the shape, size and colour of your teeth

Porcelain veneers are very fine shells of tooth coloured pressed porcelain designed to cover the front surface of teeth, and are seamlessly bonded to the front of the teeth.

Porcelain veneers at Brisbane Smile Boutique resist stains naturally because porcelain is not porous, and are superior to composite resin veneers, in terms of durability and strength, and exactly reflect light in a natural and enduring way to copy the look of natural teeth perfectly. 


Veneers can restore:

*Teeth that are discoloured from wear and tear, tetracycline staining, excess fluoride, large fillings

*Teeth that are worn down

*Teeth that are chipped or broken

*Teeth that are uneven, out of line or irregularly shaped teeth with gaps between them (especially to close the space between these teeth)

PROCEDURE FOR A PORCELAIN VENEER at brisbane smile boutique

A porcelain veneer requires two visits.

Diagnosis and treatment planning.

The dentist will examine your teeth to make sure dental veneers are appropriate for you. A series of photos will be taken with cameras to computer design and analyse your smile. Imprints or scans of your teeth will be taken to analyse your bite to ensure that porcelain veneers will match in to your bite and be a durable solution


To prepare a tooth for a veneer, your dentist will remove up to half a millimetre of enamel from the tooth surface, which is an amount equal to the thickness of the veneer to be added to the tooth surface, and take an imprint of your teeth and bite. In some circumstances no tooth structure is removed, in a procedure known as no preparation (or no prep) veneers, however this is dependent on factors like the bite. The imprint or scan is sent out to our master ceramist team who will make models from the imprint and press the porcelain veneer in the laboratory within 3 weeks. Your dentist will place temporary veneers for you so you will look fine until the veneers are completed, though it is important to be gentle and careful with temporaries, since they are designed to be removed.


Your tooth will be cleaned and prepared for seamless bonding and a special cement is applied to the veneer which is then placed on your tooth. Once properly positioned on the tooth, your dentist will apply a light beam to the dental veneer, which activates the cement, causing it to set.


With excellent home care and regular dentist and dental hygiene appointments, porcelain veneers can last 10 years or longer. It is important to brush twice a day, floss daily and to limit sugary foods and drinks, just as you would with natural tooth structure. The dentist and dental hygienist need to check on veneers every 6 months, along with professional scaling and cleaning to ensure that the veneers stay in excellent condition. Your dentist may recommend a night guard to protect the porcelain, and to prevent wear and tear from clenching or grinding from affecting chipping or debonding them.

If you are wanting to whiten your teeth to whiter than white, chances are you are comparing your teeth to the look of a smile with veneers.  Models and actors often have porcelain veneers placed to make their teeth straight and to get them as white as possible. Usually these are porcelain because they look so good for a long time.

Porcelain veneers look best when they look like natural teeth, and should be indistinguishable from the natural contours of your smile. They restore the tooth surface and improve the aesthetics of a smile.

Our practice philosophy is to replicate and perfect on the appearance of a smile in way that appears natural, so that people may then comment on a great smile, as opposed to great veneers.

Porcelain veneers may be suitable for patients who wish to treat chipped, broken or discoloured teeth, or to close gaps between front teeth. 

MASTER dental CERAMISTS at brisbane smile boutique

Our master ceramists are regarded as being world leaders in technical skill, quality, attention to detail and excellence. Our porcelain veneers are made in Brisbane and Sydney by master ceramists, and the quality control happens from the moment that our dentist designs and takes imprints or scans, through to our ceramists attending to collect imprints, which are used as a foundation for the creation of your spectacular new smile, then computer designed so that the porcelain veneers match in perfectly to the proportions of your smile.

Porcelain veneers are permanently and seamlessly precision bonded by our dentist in an appointment three weeks after the preparation appointment. 

TEMPORARY VENEERS at brisbane smile boutique dentists

Temporary veneers  are placed as an intermediate treatment while waiting on the new poercelain veneers, so you never have gaps and can keep smiling, although it is important to be very careful and gentle with the temporary restorations.


A porcelain veneer can last for many years but even with the very best technique and care there may come a time when they require replacement.

Our dentist at Brisbane Smile Boutique, Dr Leila Haywood started dentistry at the University of Queensland 30 years ago, has decades of experience in our boutique private dental practice in Brisbane, and is committed to ongoing patient care. Our patients are the life of our practice, and with our team having lifetimes of experience you can be assured of the highest quality treatment standard for aesthetic dentistry and preventive dental care. Our practice has an experienced female dentist and visiting master ceramists, and a caring team of dental nurses.


The goal is to have veneers that look as good as the day they were placed for many years to come, and at each 6 month preventive care appointment, we carefully examine and monitor your teeth, veneers and gums to ensure they remain in optimal condition.


It is important to be careful with veneers and habits like nail biting, because this may chip or damage porcelain veneers, and to wear a night guard (occlusal splint) to protect against damaging stresses from night grinding and clenching, if this is the case.