How do dental implants work ?

Dental implants are a popular and effective way to replace missing teeth. They are designed to look and function like natural teeth, and they can provide a permanent solution to tooth loss. Here's how dental implants work:

  1. Evaluation and Planning: Before the dental implant procedure, the dentist will evaluate the patient's oral health and determine if they are a good candidate for dental implants. The dentist will also create a customized treatment plan based on the patient's individual needs.

  2. Placement of the Implant: The first step in the dental implant process is the placement of a small titanium post into the jawbone. This post acts as the new tooth root and provides a sturdy foundation for the replacement tooth.

  3. Osseointegration: After the implant is placed, the jawbone will gradually fuse with the titanium post through a process called osseointegration. This process can take several months, and it is important to avoid putting too much pressure on the implant during this time.

  4. Abutment Placement: Once the implant has fused with the jawbone, an abutment will be attached to the top of the post. This abutment connects the implant to the replacement tooth.

  5. Placement of the Replacement Tooth: The final step in the dental implant process is the placement of the replacement tooth or crown. This crown is custom-made to match the color and shape of the patient's natural teeth, and it is attached to the abutment for a secure fit.

Dental implants can provide a long-lasting and natural-looking solution to missing teeth. They require proper oral hygiene and regular dental checkups to ensure their longevity. Your dentist can provide more information about whether dental implants are right for you and answer any questions you may have about the procedure.