Work Cover for Dental Care

In Queensland, Australia, if you have an accident at work that involves injury to your teeth and requires dental care to restore the trauma, you may be covered by the workers' compensation scheme managed by WorkCover Queensland. This coverage is designed to provide support for workers who sustain injuries while performing their job duties, including dental injuries.

Here's a general overview of how dental injuries might be covered:

1. Notification and Claim: If you suffer a dental injury at work, it's important to notify your employer as soon as possible and seek medical attention. You would then file a claim with WorkCover Queensland, providing details of the accident and the injury, along with any medical reports or documentation supporting your claim.

2. Assessment: WorkCover Queensland will assess your claim to determine eligibility for coverage. This may include reviewing medical assessments, the nature of the injury, how the injury occurred, and any necessary treatments proposed by your dental professional.

3. Approval and Coverage: If your claim is approved, WorkCover Queensland may cover costs associated with the dental treatment required to restore your teeth due to the work-related injury. This can include consultations, treatments, surgeries, and other related medical expenses. The extent of coverage will depend on the specifics of your case and the treatments deemed necessary.

4. Treatment: You would typically see a dentist or dental specialist for the required treatment. It's important to follow through with the recommended treatment plan to ensure the best possible recovery.

5. Ongoing Support: For extensive injuries, there might be follow-up treatments or assessments required. WorkCover may continue to provide support for these ongoing needs as part of your recovery and rehabilitation process.

Keep in mind that the process and coverage details can vary based on the specific circumstances of your injury and claim.